
Used 1988 Kawasaki Motors Corp 7 Stand-Up Jet Ski

in Dawsonville, GA


Seller note:

JS440-A12JUST REDUCED !!! Cheap Ski, Great Way to Get Into The World Of PWC Fun ! Awesome way to get exercise, you'll be tone in no time with this ski. Trailer not included but available. Reduced 20% Our fifteen acre boat yard has over 100 new trailers deeply discounted, over 250 pre-owned trailers, over 100 complete outboards, over 250 incomplete outboards for part, over 50 complete inboard outboard systems, over 150 incomplete inboard and outboard systems, literally millions of pre-owned hard to find parts. Plus over 13,000 new parts, no longer available hard to find. Additionally 350 complete boats and 350 project boats all in 1 location. Largest inventory in the southeast. LML 10/9/10. BCListing originally posted at[removed phone]

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