Check these out:
1989 Four Winns 180 Horizon, Very Clean Runabout Nice condition, 4.3L, custom bunk trailer, sun top, snap on cover, back to...
1989 Sea Ray 268 Sundancer 1989 SEA RAY 268 Sundancer, REDUCED DOWN TO $10,900.00 FOR FAST SALE!!! Sea Ray 268 Sundancer...
1989 Sea Ray 300 Sedan Bridge 1989 SEA RAY 300 Sedan Bridge, Very nice and clean 1989 Sea Ray 300 Sedan Bridge, with lot's...
1989 Silverton Convertible
1989 SILVERTON Convertible, Good looking and well kept 34 Silverton Convertible. Extremely large...
1989 Carver SANTEGO
1989 CARVER Santego, This popular family cruiser shows it's size when mentioned as a 30 ft cruiser. With...
1989 Carver Allegra
1989 CARVER Allegra, This Carver Alledra is in very good condition and the seller has taken pride in his...
1989 Baja 280 Sport 1989 BAJA 280 Sport, 1989 Baja 280 Sport 28,Very nice and clean with Twin MerCruiser 7.4L, GPS, Depth...